You Missed It: The Premiere Of ‘Honeymoon’, A Full Length Video By Dickies Skate

Images by Bailey schriener.

An evening out in Hollywood with the biggest Dicks in the game.

It would have been in poor taste not to at least attempt a joke in this introduction to our recap of the premier of Honeymoon, the first full-length video from Dickies Skate. Other possible jokes: the team with the biggest Dick(ies) premiered a video and we went and saw it and drank beer. Actually, that second one was better. Pretend I made that the first line.

Before we get into the night, let me first say how proud I am of the whole team, Kev, and Bobby, but especially Joe Face, Adrian, and Sam. You sons of bitches, three years later, you did it.

It was a star-studded event in Hollywood last night. All of skateboarding’s major players were present from shop owners to pro skaters to podcast hosts to sales reps to those guys you see at the park but never say hi to. Everyone was there, including us, and everyone was in line, not including us. Like dickheads, me and my two dates (that’s right, bitch) got to skip the line and walk (push and shove) our way right through those metal-detecting doors.

Inside, it was an absolutely packed house and a theater brimming with activity and excitement, but mostly weed smoke and beer spray.

It was a madhouse. I don’t think that the theater staff was prepared for what was to come, which was more than one thousand and two hundred drunk, high, strangely-dressed, skateboarders who are very used to evading security guards to get what they want, all descending on their humble home. If Ricardo Montalban could see what has become of his namesake venue, he may shed a tear (of joy). It wasn’t fucked though, everyone got in and Foy even had a bit of family time.

Look at all of these famous people that you wish you knew. It’s okay, I wish I knew them, too. There is nothing more anxiety inducing than being in a very small space with literally a thousand people who look just like the good homie but aren't the good homie. Even worse, when they are all good homies with each other. Still though, it was a very loving room and no one was being a dick or a cool guy as far as I could tell, which was something of a miracle considering a lot of them (Foy, Henry, Knox, Mariano, and many, many, many others) had every right to be.

Needless to say, the video was fucking stupendous, and Dickies is not paying me to say that. I have no incentive whatsoever to give them a good review, but I am. The pacing was good, each part made sense, nothing felt tired and nothing didn’t need to be there. There were absolutely 100% bangers but they weren’t gloating about it, which is something that I appreciate.

Some highlights include: Foy being the people’s champion absolutely astonished me (duh) to the point that I simply didn’t stop clapping during his whole part I just let it ride, Franky going switch, Christian Henry being more fashionable than anyone else in the room could hope to be, Adrian Adrid, Mike Anderson at that one transition spot by BCD Tofu in LA, Tom Knox’s insistence on skating spots that aren’t spots (quick aside: at five kids and no end in sight, I reckon Knox is the pro skater who truly fucks, because he has living breathing proof, and a lot of it, so bless him and his manuals and his virility), Dylan not catching anything not perfectly, Ronnie filming like half of his part in my hometown, Guy Mariano having fun and doing combos that melt my heart, Vincent Alvarez being the cutest by far while doing quickfeet combinations that made me wish I could rewind and slomo, and a very, very good tow in.

I’d also like to shoutout Dickies Skate for allowing me a +2 and a thank you to my +2 who had absolutely no context for what a skate video even is, for sitting through a full length while I screamed and clapped and threw popcorn at the back of my favorite pro’s heads. Thank you Halle and Izzy. I owe you both a Feel Free.

Look at all those good people lined up for the second screening. True believers, every one of them deserving of a hug. Unfortunately I am not legally allowed to touch people, that right was taken a way from me. However, I made sure to give each one a little wink that said, ‘you’re in for a treat, and sorry, it isn’t me.’

The whole team lined up nice and proud and uncomfortably illuminated. There’s something hilarious to me about observing professional skaters in the wild as they try to be serious/taken seriously, while simultaneously existing as professional toy-player-with-ers. We love them for it, though, and I am happy to watch all of them play with their roller toys all day any day of the week.

And then the drinking began.

The afterparty was on the roof of the theater and it was a packed house, so much so that there was a line going down the winding staircase. Security was tight and I saw more than three people hop from an adjacent parking garage onto the wall and hop over the fence, much to their mortal danger. So good and so precious was the Dickies Skate afterparty that these men were willing to risk their lives for entry.

If you don’t know, the above gentleman’s name is Sam Muller. He is an extremely talented photographer and an extremely generous, kind, lovely man. You will surely see for yourself, but he has a secret part during the credits and it is my favorite part in the entire video. He stole the show, and my heart.

In addition to free beers and free snacks, there was also free custom made merchandise. And Dickies didn’t skimp. It was the high-quality stuff. Socks, totes, custom T-shirts, hats, a beer cozy with an injection button that will punch a hole in the can for you should you want to shotgun a beer but spare your delicate thumbs. It was a bit fucked, honestly, but in a good way. We had fun.

I will take absolutely any excuse to post photos of Sam Muller being the best Sam Muller we could ask for.

It got a bit like this song by the end there (no pun intended), but buds will be buds, and with the crash of a bottle and the frustration of the staff, the night ended. Thank you Dickies, Adrian, Joe Face, the team, the two girls who agreed to be my dates, Asahi beer, the screen printers, daddy chaddy, Tom Knox’s accent, and Christian Henry’s bathroom shit talking for a truly wonderful evening in Hollywood.


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