Watch: Shotgun by McTavish Featuring Josie Prendergast And Taj Richmond

Shotgun, by McTavish is a beautiful homage to the surf focused life of Josie Prendergast And Taj Richmond.

Growing up as childhood sweethearts in Byron, Josie and Taj have not only influenced each other as people but also influenced each other as surfers. While Josie is well known for her longboarding prowess, it was Taj who encouraged her to go out in bigger surf on smaller boards, and likewise Josie inspiring Taj to slow down and focus on his transitions. The two switch between an array of boards, from shortboards to mid length to logs, adding to the excitement of being in the ocean with the ever-changing conditions and are a pleasure to watch. On that note, sit back, relax and watch Shotgun (and then try and come up with excuse to pop out of the office for an hour or four to go surfing. Is that a sore stomach you have coming on?).

Edited and Directed by Kai Neville. Coloured by Tim Wreyford. Original Music Composition by The M1. Sound Design by Thom Pringle. Surf Camera by Georde Grigor. 16mm Camera by Kai Neville and Georde Grigo. Creative Direction by Matt Ireland. Produced by Jacqueline Marcuzzi. Additional Surf Footage by Clementine Bourke and Laura Frati (Flying High).


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Onward To Chapter 2