Asking Jamie Foy Stupid Questions

photos of foy skating all over South America on the Red Bull drop in tour shot by The Very talented Anthony Acosta.

From September to October of this year, Red Bull took Jamie Foy and much of the Red Bull Skate team to Brazil, Chile, and Argentina for the South American Branch of their Drop In Tour.

Around that tour is when I began hitting him with questions for an interview, so this was pre-SOTY win. Oh yeah, Foy won SOTY this year. Though it was prior to the announcement, and though there was valiant and bold competition this year, this has been an unstoppable year for JF. He has put out something like eight (probably four, but still) parts this year, each of them consisting almost entirely of your average skater’s enders. Jamie Foy isn’t your average skater. He is a bit of a fucking monster, and at the same time, a total sweetheart. The man doesn’t drink, and spends his free time fishing - a meditative pastime in contrast to the exceedingly dangerous shit he skates. Or perhaps that meditation is necessary to be able to skate the way he does and not explode. I do not know.

I do know kindness when I see it, and I see kindness in Foy. I’ve seen him boost photographers over fences, offer everyone in the group a swig of water before taking any himself, and at the Dickies video premier in LA I saw him take photos in front of his poster with his mom and then lift the velvet rope to allow people in who were held up by security. That’s a class act. I’ve heard through people on the Drop In Tour that he keeps his part of the van/bus tidy (ehhh), that he never says no to a photo with a fan, and that he does not at any point touch vegetables, which tells me that he is powered not by human biology but by the power of his enormous heart as well as we assume some sort of metaphysical cosmic front-crook pinch force.

Would you like to know how hard it is to interview someone traveling with the Red Bull Skate Team through Brazil, Chile, and Argentina? No, you would not like to know, because it is exceedingly difficult. And yet, the burning questions - the questions that burn away our journalistic integrity like a forest fire making way for our ashy curiosity to truly thrive - still heated our hearts, so through dispatches we sent these dire and incredibly pressing questions to our man. Questions like, ‘how heavy is the SOTY trophy?’ and, ‘what do you hide from your dates?’. Perhaps most importantly, we now know who among his friends he would fuck, marry, and kill.

Congrats, Foy, on winning SOTY, winning our hearts, and a Red Bull Drop In Tour well-skated.

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What is your favorite thing to drink in Brazil and how well does it mix with Red Bull?

My favorite thing to drink in brazil is water! Got to stay hydrated out there like in Florida! A lot of sweating so u gotta replenish! Red Bull goes great with water! 

Have you ever looked at a rail and thought ‘nah too gnarly’ or is everything on earth now sort of fair game for you

Of course i turn down rails! I’m more of a strategic skater when it comes to big handrails, kids send me crazy rails all the time haha

If you never started skating, what would your life be like? Give me a day in the life of non-skateboarding Jamie.

Non skateboarding Jamie would be fat and fishing all the time haha

Do you have any OCD rituals before or during skating that you would be willing to share? Not so much tips for skating better, more so things like Reynolds’ madness.

Not really! I kinda just do some quick stretches and then start cruising around working my way up to whatever I want to do.

How proud was your mom at the dickies premier on a scale of 1-10?

Seemed like a 10 to me! I think she loves getting to see me do what i love on the big screen! 

What is a strange but necessary thing you pack for long skate tours to South America?

A Lacross ball haha I pack that on all my skate trips. It helps me loosen up when i start to feel sore. Especially my hip flexors!

How much did you get paid for your clip on ridiculousness?

Im pretty sure it was 350! I was about 14 so i was stoked!

Have you been chasing that television high ever since and if so, do you think that’s been your main motivator in life? Is that why you huck?

No not at all! My main motivation is all my good friends that im happy we get to skate with everyday! Surround yourself with good people and good things happen!

Secret to achieving perfect pinch

Put your front food right below ur front truck bolts. Hang your toe off a lil and Throw that gut over ur toe wen u lock in! 

Tips for what to look for when buying a boat

If your buying a boat just know what it stands for.... Bust Out Another Thousand

Your favorite fishing knot and how to tie it?

I mainly use a uni knot its the most common and the easier to do! Or if im fishing artificials i use a loop knot for more action 

You’re most and least favorite vegetables: go.  


Did you make a specific choice not to engage with alcohol that much or are you just not into it?

Just not really into it. I would mainly say because of the way it makes you feel the next day. 

Not a fan of fighting through that feeling. 

How heavy is the SOTY trophy?

Pretty heavy! It has a real piece of a parking block on the bottom of it! 

You’re bringing a date home for the first time, what is the item in your house that you hide from them? 

I got a girlfriend and weve been together for about 5 years! I knew she was the one cuz i didnt have to hide anything! 

Top ten songs to listen to on the drive home from getting an ender clip?

Hahahaha hard to say! Could be anything! Im more in control of the music heading to get the clip! I listen to rap music, but thestuff that can get you hyped up to do some bad activities but for me it hypes me up to get clips.

Best person to have in the van on a long tour of South America?

Torey Pudwill! Hes the man and its always a good tike with him around  

Fuck, marry, kill: Joe Face, Adrian Adrid, Sam Muller 

WTF i guess Adrian, Sam, Joe

Biggest fish you’ve caught, where and how did you catch it, and can we see the photo?

Biggest fish ive ever caught was probably a Sailfish when i was younger! Took me around a hour amd a half to fight the fish and sadly no photo! This was before phones had cameras haha. Its just a moment me and my dad will share forever! 


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