

My name is Charlie Hardy, I’m a Sydney based photographer and I grew up in Newcastle,
Australia. I fell obsessed with photography in high school (and years later I’m still taking my camera everywhere I go - some things never change).
I have a massive stack of film negatives at home from the last 10 years of shooting music, surf, personal projects as well as paid jobs. Forget about the cameras and guitars if my house burns down… That big stack of film negs are what’s coming with me.
If you know me already, you will likely know that I am a twin. For those that don’t know me, yes there is someone else that looks like me that isn’t me. We often get mixed up and my brother, Beau, tends to just go along with it. He’ll pretend to be me and have a full conversation with whoever the poor mixed up person is, he’ll then forget their name but call me and the conversation usually goes something like… “Hey man, how you going? You coming along to blah blah… by the way, I was at the shops yesterday and this guy in a white shirt with short brown hair asked if I was shooting next weekend. I just went along with it and pretended to be you. Don’t know who it was but told him we (aka you) should catch up soon.”  
This is the twin shit I got to put up with, now I have to figure out who it was and where he left the conversation so that we can pick it up next time. What do you think I should do in this situation?
A) Just go along with it
B) Get my name tattooed across my head
C) Explain to old mate when I see him next, and he inevitably brings up the time we ran into each other, that it wasn’t me he was talking to, it was actually my evil twin Beau who loves to mess with people and stitch me up
D) Pretend that my name is Beau next time I see said person, fuck with them even harder and say that I don’t even know anyone named Charlie

