Yasmine Diba
Photos: courtesy of Yasmine Diba
We like film, we like photographs, we like Malibu.
Three boxes checked. Thanks, Yasmine. We first encountered photographer / filmmaker Yasmine Diba through a project we did with Sun Bum and Frankie Harrer called Day Trippers which was actually quite good, which was a day guide through the lovely town of Malibu, which was also photographed and VHS’d by Yasmine. She did a good job. We became instant fans and it is our pleasure to feature the French-speaking filmmaking photo taking style queen best known to the world for her star-studded professional portfolio but best known to us for being kinda cool.
Who are you?
My name is Yasmine Diba.
What do you do?
I'm a director and photographer based in LA.
How long have you been doing that?
Through horseback riding I started taking photos a lot when I was thirteen, and started doing video when I was eighteen, but began doing this "professionally" when I was twenty one.
Where is home for you?
Malibu and Switzerland. Iran feels like home too even though I’ve never been.
If you weren’t in photography, what would you be doing?
In another lifetime I always thought it would be cool to be an archeologist.
What do you think about the current state of the photography culture?
It’s hard to say because there is such an influx of stuff to see, so I probably am just seeing such a sliver of what’s out there - whatever my algorithm comes up with. But from what I see, it's exciting! I will say when it comes to photo references for decks and what not I find myself pulling imagery that was taken years ago, but I do feel a lot of admiration and am very inspired by many of my friends who work within the photography space.
What do you do outside of photography and how does that thing influence or affect your craft?
I horseback ride, I love reading, I love travelling, and you could call me a bit of a shopaholic. Horseback riding is my meditation, reading has guided and inspired me in many different ways, travelling has been important to me because a lot of my family lives overseas and seeing new places is of course inspiring, and clothing makes me happy and inspires me as well. I also spend a lot of time with my family, friends, boyfriend, goddaughter all of whom inspire me a lot.
The best/worst thing about the photo industry?
The photo industry is so large, and there are so many different pockets of it, so I guess it depends on what pocket we’re talking about. But I’d say the best thing would be people inspiring other people, and the worst thing would be people feeling like there isn’t enough room for everyone to have space to succeed. In my personal opinion, there is room for everyone.
Something you’re most proud of?
My family.
Biggest lesson you’ve learnt in life so far?
Nothing really matters besides the people you loves health and happiness.
Something anyone can do today to make the world a better place?
Be nice, make whatever efforts you can to be more eco friendly, don’t vote for Trump, and acknowledge what is happening in Palestine. People turning a blind eye to atrocities in the world is frightening.
What is the biggest challenge you’ve overcome so far in your industry?
The ups and downs of doubting yourself and continuing to push through.
What is something people might not know about you?
I speak French? Lol
Who do you think is doing it the best/coolest in your industry right now?
Impossible to say, there are too many amazing artists out there! - but anyone who is doing them, whether I think it's ‘cool’ or not. I think there is nothing cooler than doing you.
“Nothing really matters besides the people you loves health and happiness.”
What do you think the biggest issue young people are facing today?
Young people in the States - I’d say phones and social media have created a scary thing.
To what do you think you owe your success so far?
To working really, really hard and the people who believed in me and gave me a chance.
What one piece of advice would you give to your former self?
It’s gonna be okay.
What do you do to unblock yourself when creative block strikes?
Drink a coffee and try to watch or read something I know will inspire me.
What are your goals in this and do you think they’ve changed over time?
My goals, there’s a lot lol, but I would say they have changed over time. One of the biggest things I can say changed within my twenties is that I’m in less of a rush to achieve those goals.
Can you make us a playlist? Pretty please?
Yes! Here are the first songs that popped up in my head / that I’ve listened to thousands of times and will never get sick of (normally I’d also probably add in a lot more Lana). I grew up on a lot of these songs.