Kobi Clements

Some people just have an absolute knack - a preternatural ability to make everything look good. Kobi Clements is one of those people.

As the spawn of spawn of noughties pro Steve Clements, his surfing stock was probably always going to be impressive, but to be regularly slotting into G-Land and Pipe before he could do long division is something else. An explosive surfer who doesn’t seem to have a limit, one of the biggest and bestest, brightest young things.

Who are you?

I am Kobi Clements.

What do you do? 

I am a surfer from South Narrabeen/Long Reef.

How long have you been doing that? 

I’ve been surfing since I was eleven months old. Dad pushed me on my first wave at Waikiki.

Where is home for you?

I live in Narrabeen on Sydney’s Northern Beaches. 

Photo Left: Tai Vandyke 

If you weren’t surfing, what would you be doing?

If I wasn’t surfing, I would probably be doing something around the ocean and definitely doing something active.

What do you think about the current state of surfing?

I think the current state of surfing is pretty cool. Everyone has different ideas and opinions but the fact that there’s a wide variety of surf styles between old school and new school keeps it entertaining.

What do you do outside of surfing and how does that thing influence or affect your craft?

When the waves are flat, I love going diving for crays or go spearfishing. I love the feeling of when you are underwater. It’s a whole world under there. It’s humbling and peaceful. It helps to have a peaceful state of mind whether surfing big waves or competing. I also like to stay fit. I have been lucky to practice Pilates since I was twelve and it has helped build and maintain my strength and mobility. 

The best/worst thing about the surf industry? 

I honestly don’t have an opinion on the surf industry. 

Something you’re most proud of? 

I don’t think I have lived long enough to take a step back and reflect on what I’m most proud of.

Everyone has different ideas and opinions but the fact that there’s a wide variety of surf styles between old school and new school keeps it entertaining.

Biggest lesson you’ve learnt in life so far?

Biggest lesson I’ve learnt is to be humble and respectful. In and out the water. It goes far.

Something anyone can do today to make the world a better place? 

Be kind. 

What is the biggest challenge you’ve overcome so far in your industry?

The biggest challenge is when you have an injury, and you can’t surf.

What is something people might not know about you? 

I have dual citizenship Australian/French and I speak fluent French. My mother is from Capbreton in the South West of France near the surf spot of La Graviere.

Who do you think is doing it the best/coolest in your industry right now?

Noa Deane and Dane Reynolds, I like their style of surfing, raw and unique.

What do you think is the biggest issue young people are facing today?

Biggest issue young people are facing today is online bullying.

What is your go to in your quiver?

My go-to would be a Chilli Shortie round tail, depending on how the waves are but usually 5’8.

How do you get into the headspace to surf waves of consequence?

Positive thinking, no hesitating, deep breaths and jumping around to get fired up.

Are you more drawn to the competition or free surf way of surfing?

Free surfing and making clips is sick. You get to pick the best conditions but I love the thrills of competing. 

Ultimate boat trip - where you are going and who's coming with you?

Ultimate boat trip: best mates on a massive boat with epic food and all the toys to do all the biggest manoeuvres on the best waves we can find. 


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