What We Are Listening To: Monster Children NYC #4

Hello, my name is Naz Kawakami. I’m the new Deputy Editor of Monster Children based in New York City. Did you know that for a number of years, I was a radio DJ? You probably did because I never shut the fuck up about it. My show was called Night Drive, every Thursday from midnight to 3AM. Those were good times. A lot of sex, drugs, and partying were done in that little Honolulu radio studio. None of it done by me, but it’s still cool to think about. 

Anyway, since taking this Editor job, I spend most of my day the way I spent my days as a DJ: listening to music. Some good, some bad. Some old, some new. Every Friday, I compile the week’s worth of music into a playlist. Songs we’ve been enjoying, songs we’ve just (re)discovered, and songs that offer a preview into what features we have coming out soon. Not the newest, not the rarest, just good music. The mood of the week over at the MC New York City office for you to judge and enjoy. 

The last couple of weeks have been a bit on the rough side. Could be the seasonal depression I’ve been told so much about, but somehow in reverse. As the city emerges from the cold and Spring takes hold (an unintentional rhyme, I apologize), there is a sort of sad anxiousness that comes with the understanding that time ticks on and on and on - that yes, today is a new day, but also, fuck, today is another new day.

This week’s playlist is long and arduous, with the ups and downs, highs and lows, rising tempos and crushing pit falls that are built to match any and every state of melancholy you might be in. All too often, sad music is described as low tempo, acoustic, and frail, when in reality the bad feelings come in many forms and at many paces. A bad time can be as halting as it is danceable, and this playlist is designed to match whatever state you may find yourself in. Whether you’re feeling down because of the ceaseless onslaught of time, the realization that people are capable of falling out of love as quickly and easily as in, the anxious misery of feeling alone in a crowded room, or the bittersweet intensity of never having had so much to lose, or are simply feeling a bit underwater, there’s a little something in here for everyone. It gets better. Listen to this until it does. Have a good weekend.

Feedback, complaints, recommendations, sad stories, hit me.


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