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Watch: Hi-Fi With Been Stellar

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Hi Fi, our long-standing series where bands and artists we love pick out records that are the answers to our burning questions.

Questions like, ‘what’s a record for your thirteen year old self?’ and, ‘what is a record you want to hear but haven’t?’. This episode features our good friends Sky Knapp and Nico Brunstein from one of New York City’s most outstanding bands, Been Stellar, who braved passage through Midtown to scan the racks of Rough Trade NYC and pull out some selects. Notable picks include The Sugar Cubes, Malice K, and so, so much Elliott Smith, and notable moments include Sky’s awkward hands, Nico’s gorgeous smile, and the cuteness of the photo booth. You’ll have to watch the video to find out what else. Presented with love and care by our pals at Marshall. Enjoy.

Filmed and edited by Ian Wishart.