Scene: Honolulu Skating’s ‘Bakaz 4’ Video

header image of billy ollieing over a fence by Zachary Puetz.

Scene - a new editorial department that shines light on the weird skate/surf/art/party scenes of your hometown - kicks off in the new year with Bakaz 4, an elegant-yet-DIY skate video that makes skateboarding look like fun, directed by Jordan Cheng from Honolulu, Hawaii.

Filmed entirely on a tiny island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean in 2024.

Featuring Billy Griffin, Irving Juarez, Ryden Yagi, Jon Kim Seu, Taurean Medeiros, Brett White, Toby Kim, Travis Ota, Kainoa Gruspe, Lincoln Okaji, Kamaka Muneoka, Chris Edamura, Demetrio Cuevas, Dana Min, Tomoki Kobayashi, Joe Murrieta, Josh Ferguson, John Oliveira, Jordan Cheng, Damian Strules, Nick Lobdell, Tyler Ebisuya, Caleb Sugai, Max Navid-Oster, and Steven Do.

Filmed/Edited: Jordan Cheng
Additional Filming: Zachary Puetz
35mm Photography: Jordan Cheng

Ovlov- "Really Bees"
Enjoy- "Make A Dent In The City"
Midrift- "Midrift"
Delegation- "Darlin' (I Think About You)"
Alinah- "My Faith Holds On (Instrumental)"
Them Airs- "DX Ball"
Title Fight- "Frown"
Ace of Base- "The Sign"

Special Thanks:
APB Skateshop
Moke Life
Dipshit Mag
Shitty Kids
Naz Kawakami
Monster Children
Makiki Skatepark
Makiki Parking lot


You’re Invited: A New York Art Show At Below Grand


Photo Op: LCD Soundsystem, c. 2010