Monster Children

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Possessed To S(print)

Before me, and for many years, Jason Crombie was the Editor in Chief of Monster Children.

Earlier this year he fucked off to pursue his dreams; leveraging his years of experience sweating through t-shirts and battling athlete’s foot to edit a web/print publication dedicated to the culture, sport, and strife of running. While I am very bitter about his departure, and while I miss Crombie’s radiant presence accented by his equally radiant musk, I am compelled to overcome my abandonment issues in acknowledgement of the quality of what he has been producing, and that big ‘what’ is called, Possessed. But first, I wondered if he missed me, too.

Do you miss me?

I do, Naz. I miss you a lot and I think about you often.

Because I miss you.

I know you do. Your Sauvage-scented letters say as much.

What do you look to as an editorial guide for this publication?

Same editorial guide I’ve used for all the publications I’ve been involved with—have fun. If I’m not having fun writing it, you can be sure no one will have fun reading it. POSSESSED occupies a very new and unique place in the world of running. Traditionally, running editorial has been strictly about—duh—running. But there’s only so much that can be written about it, right? Like, training plans, nutrition, injury prevention, shoe reviews etcetera, that’s what running magazines talk about, and it’s all a bit of a snooze at this point. What we’re trying to do with POSSESSED is have fun with the subject of running and draw in some non-traditional running-adjacent content.

What is the best vintage shirt to run in?

We’ve actually got a story about running in vintage t-shirts coming up. I would say, the best vintage tee to run in is the one that has ‘Suicidal Tendencies’ or ‘Makin’ Bacon’ printed on it.

What advice would you give to someone who wants to get into the culture of running?

Go for a run, then go for another run, then another one, and when you stop hating it and begin loving it—a transition that took me a year—keep running. Culturally, it’s a pretty exciting time for running. There’s a lot happening; new brands and clubs and races popping up all over the place. It’s great. I feel really lucky to be involved.

How long have you known you want to be a writer and also, why?

I never wanted to be a writer. I still don’t. It’s the worst thing you can do with your life. You set yourself up for failure, heartbreak, and poverty. Last year, I finished writing a book. Then I landed a hotshot New York agent. Then I had a deal lined up with Simon & Schuster. On my mother’s life, there were whispers of a movie adaptation. I was excited. My dream was coming true. Then, in the eleventh hour, Simon & Schuster changed their mind. The project was cut off at the legs and it has taken me over six months to climb back in the ring. Boo-hoo. Don’t become a writer.

What has been the most surprising development/weird thing with this issue?

Well, this issue is The Cult Issue, and I chatted with a cult deprogrammer named Rick Ross (not the rapper) about an actual running cult, if you can believe there’s such a thing. Anyway, he told me that there are around 10,000 active cults in North America, which is bonkers. Ten Thousand!

How has it been adjusting to a French workplace?

It’s been great! Everyone is super nice, and encouraging and supportive. I’m pretty happy. Plus, I’m up to my neck in the best running gear in the world, so I guess you could say it’s all coming up Crom.

Do you think that participation in running culture is necessary to enjoy POSSESSED mag?

I actually don’t. Like I said, there’s a lot of running-adjacent stuff. For example, in the latest issue, Nick from Pond (who runs) shares his favourite records of all time, and there’s a story about cults that dabble in the occult. Also, I’m just doing jokes and being silly at every opportunity... I’ll say this, I think reading POSSESSED would make someone want to start running. Running is the best.

What do you hope people take away from it?

I hope they learn something and get a laugh out of it, and I hope they get more stoked on running.

What's your favorite bit in there?

I like the whole thing, but ‘YOUR RUNNING STARS’ is fun. Although, writing twelve funny, running-related horoscopes every month is going to take some doing. It’s like building ships in bottles. There’s some amazing stuff coming up in next month’s issue too, but I can’t talk about it.

When’s your birthday?

I was born the same day Elvis died.

Where do we go from here?

You go to where POSSESSED mag lives. We’re planning a print version, too, so keep your eyes peeled.