Our Series, Be Well With Boo, Presented By Rapha

presented by

Boo Johnson won us over when he skated to Darondo and hardflipped that giant gap in the Future Nature video, way back in 2012. 

To talk about Boo is to talk about style. Watching him skate is like watching someone who is unaware and unfazed by the incredible tricks that they are doing. When Boo rolls away, he doesn’t so much ‘roll away’ as he simply ‘keeps going’. It is bizarre and impressive and follows in a long line of DGK skaters who value style as much as complexity; who don’t just do hard tricks, but do them well. 

A decade or so into being a professional skater, Boo still skates with effortless grace thanks to his shifting of attention to doing something else quite well - and that is wellness, itself. With age comes wisdom, maturity, the ability to roll better spliffs, and in Boo’s case, a commitment to living a life that keeps him strong, able, sane, and feeling better year after year.

In our series, Be Well With Boo, presented by Rapha, we were able to tag along with Boo as he goes through his daily wellness routine, all the way from meditative mornings through exhaustive afternoons on the bike and finally on to rested evenings. Keep right, sweat through your cycling bibs, feel better than ever.

Episode 1:

episode 2:

episode 3:


Rewatch: Haroshi


Farewell, KCDC, You Will Be Dearly Missed