Music, Beer, And Suntan Lotion: Looking Back At Last Year’s Monster Children SXSW Showcase

photography by dougal Gorman.

the Monster children sxsw showcase 2024 (last year’s, not this year’s) was presented by sonny’s porch.

As we hype ourselves for the coming storm over Austin, TX, that is us and the Monster Children SXSW Showcase next week Wednesday night at Mohawk presented by Fat Tire, our heads ache with the remembered hangover of yesteryear, but our faces wince a smile.

It was a glorious night, MC SXSW 2024, full of lotion and music, fun and alcohol; very tall balding men in the back and raucous short comb overs in the front. We learned a lot from that show, which featured a lineup that we often forget about until it strikes us like a slap in the dick in the middle of the night and we wake up thinking, ‘holy shit, that was incredible.’ Bands inhabited that stage that I never for a moment prior thought I’d ever see together, let alone wipe the sweat off of (not all, but some). Bands like Automatic, bar Italia, Deeper, The Belair Lip Bombs, dust, and Psymon Spine. It was a fucked night that in hindsight is more remarkable than I think we gave ourselves credit for in the moment. Quite a thing, indeed.

As we pack our bags full of paracetamol and liquid IV’s and head once again into the hot Texas fray, let us look back at last year’s odd triumph.


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