Listen: For Colby, From Alex Papke

‘‘The perfect playlist for a long walk on the beach, or maybe even just a drive to the park,’ he did a bunch of barks and I translated to that.’

We are astonished by photographer Alex Papke’s ability to translate dog into people speak, and are excited to be celebrating his Dr. Dolittle-esque character arch with a musical love letter from Alex to Colby.

‘A little bit about Colby... my girlfriend's friend found Colby wondering the streets of Westminster 4 years ago. When we started dating, I inherited dog dad duties and the rest is history.’

While we hardly know Colby at all, we know Papke quite well from skating, his photography, and nights spent drinking at bars and release parties around Los Angeles for the better part of the post-Covid era, and we are happy to provide a platform for him (and Colby) to translate their creativity from a visual medium to a musical one. So here you are, for the drive or the walk, songs that the two of them think you ought to know. Enjoy.


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