Juliette Lacome’s 5 All Time Favorite Surf Films

portrait by Hayden Garfield.

Following the surgical removal of a bone tumor last year, Juliette Lacome is back in the water.

It is a daunting task to return to the sea following any sort of injury or surgery and requires an extraordinary amount of grace and patience. Luckily for us, Lacome has both. Welcome back, Juliette, we are happy to see you back in the waves, and particularly enjoyed the half-surf/half-doco film she just put out, Thoughts, which you can watch now, here.

Watching her triumphant return, we are reminded of how fucking good she is at surfing. Truly, one of France’ favorites, and ours. We wondered to ourselves what one of France’ favorite surfers’ favorite surf films (I made this purposely difficult, say it five times fast) are, so over Instagram DM, we got our answer.

Leave A Message by Nike

‘I grew up watching this movie of the girls. Such a classic.’

California to Hawai’i to Mexico to Australia, the Nike’s (then) next generation of female talent rips. The behemoth that is Nike had a difficult time penetrating the famously judgmental surf culture, but has returned now, a decade later, with a vengeance. Hopefully they are less wack, or at the very least, allow their team to be their sickest component like they were back when Carissa Moore surfed for them.

This Is Dane Reynolds by Disillusion Magazine with Quiksilver

‘I really like the story telling also Dane is one of the greatest always inspiring seeing someone like him opening up about the real things.’

Who the fuck doesn’t like Dane Reynolds? You like him, of course you do, but you’re not sure why. Well, this is him, and this is why.

Repeater by Quiksilver

‘There is some really great surfing in this one. Some of my good friends are a part of it too. it’s just a sick movie.’

So good you gotta pay for it.

Toasted: A Caity Simmers Film

‘I really wish I could surf like caity haha I feel like she has done so much for woman’s surfing in such a small amount of time. Love how she creates and stay true to herself.’

Ah don’t we all wish we were as good at anything as Caity Simmers is good at surfing. On the North Shore, grown-ass men who smoked too much weed and drank too much Heineken sober themselves at her utterance and say reverently, ‘yeah, she frickin’ rips.’

The Tempest by Steph Gilmore & Monster Children

‘I will always be in awe of watching Steph surf she is the goat and that’s a beautiful edit. From my opinion, Surfing is a sport but also a form of art too and her surf is pure poetry.’

Well, well, well, how ‘bout that? This is not an industry plant. We did not ask her to mention us. The Tempest is simply that good. So good that you can watch it now for free above or in IMAX (home IMAX, depending on how big your screen is, and how dark your room is, and how loud your speakers are) at monsterchildren.tv.


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