Monster Children

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Come Join Us For The Andrew Peters Exhibition At The Alex

Andrew Peters, or AJP as we call him, has been photographing skateboarders since he could walk.

Don’t believe me? The Andrew Peters Exhibition for The Front Room at The Alex next week will prove otherwise. Featuring a swarth of skate talent from Sydney, this exhibition is a testament to AJP being one of the most trusted and respected photographers in the skate world. You just don’t get those glints in the eyes with a camera pointing at you without it. As Monster Children’s senior photographer, AJP has been getting the shot with the world’s best skaters for as almost as long as the magazine has been going to print. That’s a fucking long time. Hailing from Sydney himself, but now residing in LA, this exhibition highlights AJP’s continuing relationship with the local Sydney skate community as though he’d never even left.

Come down and party with the team from Monster Children and celebrate in the wider skate community of Sydney. There will be magazines, booze, a live skate demo by the Young Henry’s skate team, plenty of hot skaters, probably plenty of hot people in general for that matter and a DJ set by Enter The Portal and Eddy D. You’d actually be an idiot not to come.

Kick off is at 6pm, Thursday July 29th. All are welcome.