Alex Olson: Ten Things I Hate (Hint: it’s Us)

this hatred originally appered in issue #31, 2012.

Why we didn’t think of Alex Olson for this department before is beyond us.

Here Alex takes to this issue’s Ten Things I Hate department with the grace and ease of a ninety seven year old with prostate cancer, a dicky heart and a cane for hittin’ the young rascals that walk by his carnation bed.

  1. I hate that Monster Children is asking me to do this.

  2. I hated seeing the examples of other people that did this.

  3. I hate myself and other people.

  4. Traveling on skate trips I really fucking hate.

  5. I hate doing something over again.

  6. Filming and hate go hand in hand.

  7. I hate the fact that there’s a top ten things to hate article in this magazine. Way to make this place better, assholes!

  8. I really hate the heat.

  9. I hate the Berrics.

  10. I hate smoking.


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